Lontong Goreng
Lontong Sate
Lontong Balap with Peanut Sauce
Lontong Cap Go Meh with Egg
Lontong Cap Go Meh with Fried Shallots
Lontong Cap Go Meh with Peanut Sauce
Lontong Cap Go Meh with Tempeh
Lontong Cap Go Meh with Tofu
Lontong Cap Go Meh with Vegetables
Lontong Cap Go Meh with Chicken Satay
Lontong Cap Go Meh with Egg and Shrimp
Lontong Cap Go Meh with Pickled Vegetables
Lontong Cap Go Meh with Spicy Peanut Sauce
Babi Guling - Balinese Roast Pork (with Indonesian influences)
Rendang - Indonesian spicy beef curry with Asian spices and coconut milk
Lontong Mie Ayam - Indonesian noodle and chicken soup with rice cakes
Gado-Gado - Indonesian Salad with Peanut Sauce
Gado-Gado - Indonesian salad with peanut sauce and Lontong (rice cakes)
Laksa - Malaysian Coconut Curry Noodle Soup (with Indonesian influences)
Lontong Sayur - Indonesian Rice Cake with Vegetables
Lontong Sayur - Indonesian vegetable curry with rice cakes
Mie Goreng - Indonesian Fried Noodles
Nasi Goreng - Indonesian Fried Rice
Nasi Goreng - Indonesian fried rice with Asian spices
Nasi Kuning - Indonesian Yellow Rice
Rendang - Indonesian Beef Curry
Sate Ayam - Indonesian Chicken Satay
Sate Ayam - Indonesian chicken skewers with peanut sauce and Asian spices
Soto Ayam - Indonesian Chicken Soup
Lontong Balap - Indonesian street food dish with rice cakes, tofu, and peanut sauce
Lontong Cap Go Meh - Indonesian mixed vegetable and meat stew with rice cakes
Lontong Kari Ayam - Indonesian chicken curry with rice cakes