Jordanian Recipes

Asseer Rumman with Lamb
Asseer Rumman with Vegetables
Asseer Rumman with Beef
Asseer Rumman with Fruits
Asseer Rumman with Chicken
Asseer Rumman with Nuts
Lamb Mansaf with Toasted Almonds
Spicy Mansaf with Tahini Sauce
Beef Mansaf with Caramelized Onions
Sweet and Sour Mansaf with Dates
Vegetarian Mansaf with Chickpeas
Stuffed Mansaf with Apricots
Chicken Mansaf with Pine Nuts
Persian Mansaf with Barberries
Classic Mansaf with Yogurt Sauce
Grilled Mansaf with Walnuts
Tayabak with Spinach
Jameed Date Cake
Jameed Soup
Jameed Fish with Tomatoes
Jameed Lamb Stew
Spicy Shanklish Salad
Ga'at with Vermicelli and Dates
Ga'at with Lamb and Herbs
Ga'at with Mushrooms and Walnuts
Ga'at with Caramelized Onions and Nuts
Haneeth with Dates
Haneeth with Yogurt
Haneeth with Nuts
Jalamah-Style Eggplant
Lamb Jameed with Rice
Jameed and Lentil Stew
Jameed and Vegetable Stew
Jameed and Spinach Salad
Chicken Jameed Soup
Spicy Lamb Mansaf
Vegetarian Mansaf with Lentils
Traditional Jordanian Mansaf
Roasted Vegetable Mansaf
Lamb and Rice Mansaf
Slow Cooker Lamb Mansaf
Chicken Mansaf with Rice
Lamb and Chickpea Mansaf
Lamb Mansaf with Yogurt Sauce
Beef and Almond Mansaf
Shuwaa Salad