Michigan hot dog
Michigan Avenue Dog
Michigan Corn Dog
The Michigan Dog
The Michigan-Style Chili Dog
Michigan Coney Dog
Michigan Coney Dog Sandwich
Lake Michigan Whitefish Chowder
Michigan Apple Crisp
Michigan Cherry Pie
Michigan Cherry Hot Dogs
Lake Michigan Perch Tacos
Michigan Cherry BBQ Pulled Pork
Michigan Cherry BBQ Ribs
Michigan Upper Peninsula Cornish Game Hen
Michigan Upper Peninsula Venison Stew
Michigan-style Coney Island Chili Dogs
Michigan pasties
Michigan-Style Coney Dogs
Michigan-Style Hot Dog Sauce
Jumiles and Potato Enchiladas
Detroit Coney Dog
Motor City Chili Dog
Cudighi Chili
Cudighi Pizza
Frankenmuth Chicken Dinner Pizza
Green Chile Potato Enchiladas
Holland Tulip Time Dutch Apple Bread
Ann Arbor Artichoke Dip
Beef and Potato Enchiladas
Cheesy Potato Enchiladas
Chicken and Potato Enchiladas
Coney Island Hot Dogs
Creamy Potato and Corn Enchiladas
Detroit-style Coney Dogs
Detroit-Style Coney Dogs
Detroit-style Coney Island Pizza
Mackinac Island Fudge Pizza
Potato and Black Bean Enchiladas
Roasted Potato and Poblano Enchiladas
Spicy Potato and Chorizo Enchiladas
Sweet Potato and Spinach Enchiladas
Traverse City Cherry BBQ Chicken Pizza
Upper Peninsula Pasties Pizza
Vegetarian Enchiladas with Potatoes and Peppers
Detroit-style Pizza
Great Lakes Fish Fry
Mackinac Island Fudge
Motor City BBQ Ribs
Traverse City Cherry BBQ Sauce
Upper Peninsula Pasties
Detroit-Style Pizza
Frankenmuth Chicken Dinner
Great Lakes Whitefish Chowder
Kalamazoo Ribeye Steak
Mackinac Island Fudge Brownies
Traverse City Cherry Pie