Ginger and Turmeric Lozenges
Rosehip and Hibiscus Herbal Lozenges for Immune Support and Wellness
Chamomile and Lavender Herbal Lozenges for Relaxation and Wellness
Cinnamon and Clove Herbal Lozenges for Digestive Health and Wellness
Echinacea and Honey Herbal Lozenges
Elderberry and Marshmallow Root Lozenges for Health and Wellness
Ginger and Turmeric Wellness Lozenges
Herbal Immunity Boosting Lozenges
Lemon and Honey Wellness Lozenges
Peppermint and Eucalyptus Herbal Lozenges for Respiratory Health and Wellness
Thyme and Sage Herbal Throat Lozenges
Chamomile and Honey Lozenges
Cinnamon and Honey Lozenges
Echinacea and Honey Lozenges
Honey and Ginger Lozenges
Lemon and Honey Lozenges
Licorice and Honey Lozenges
Peppermint and Honey Lozenges
Sage and Honey Lozenges
Thyme and Honey Lozenges
Turmeric and Honey Lozenges