Zucchini and Corn Trancapecho Recipe

Ingredients with Measurements:
- 2 medium zucchinis, diced
- 1 cup of corn kernels
- 1 red bell pepper, diced
- 1 small onion, diced
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
- 1 teaspoon of ground cumin
- 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 1 cup of vegetable broth
- 1 cup of cooked quinoa
- 1 avocado, sliced
- Fresh cilantro leaves for garnish

Special Equipment Needed:
- Large skillet
- Wooden spoon

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat.
2. Add the diced onion and bell pepper and sauté for 3-4 minutes until the onion is translucent.
3. Add the minced garlic and sauté for another minute.
4. Add the diced zucchini and corn kernels to the skillet and stir to combine.
5. Add the ground cumin, smoked paprika, salt, and pepper to the skillet and stir to combine.
6. Pour the vegetable broth into the skillet and stir to combine.
7. Bring the mixture to a simmer and let it cook for 10-12 minutes until the zucchini is tender.
8. Add the cooked quinoa to the skillet and stir to combine.
9. Remove the skillet from the heat and let it cool for a few minutes.
10. Serve the trancapecho in bowls and top with sliced avocado and fresh cilantro leaves.

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Medium heat
Serving size:
4 servings

Nutritional information:
Calories: 240
Fat: 10g
Carbohydrates: 34g
Protein: 7g
Fiber: 8g

Substitutions for ingredients:
- You can use any type of broth instead of vegetable broth.
- You can substitute quinoa with rice or any other grain.

- You can add cooked chicken or shrimp to the trancapecho for extra protein.
- You can add diced tomatoes or jalapeños for extra flavor.

Tips and Tricks:
- Make sure to dice the zucchini and bell pepper into small pieces to ensure even cooking.
- You can add a splash of lime juice to the trancapecho for extra tanginess.
- You can make the trancapecho ahead of time and reheat it when ready to serve.

Storage Instructions:
Store the trancapecho in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Reheating Instructions:
Reheat the trancapecho in a skillet over medium heat until heated through.

Presentation Ideas:
Serve the trancapecho in bowls and top with sliced avocado and fresh cilantro leaves.

Fresh cilantro leaves

- Serve with a side of tortilla chips or crusty bread.
- Pair with a light and refreshing salad.

Suggested Side Dishes:
- Tortilla chips
- Crusty bread
- Side salad

Troubleshooting Advice:
- If the trancapecho is too dry, add more vegetable broth or water.
- If the trancapecho is too watery, let it cook for a few more minutes to evaporate the excess liquid.

Food Safety Advice:
- Make sure to wash all vegetables thoroughly before using.
- Store the trancapecho in the refrigerator and reheat it to an internal temperature of 165°F before serving.

Food History:
Trancapecho is a traditional dish from Costa Rica that is typically made with beans, rice, and meat. This recipe is a vegetarian version that uses zucchini and corn instead of meat.

Flavor Profiles:
The trancapecho has a smoky and spicy flavor from the smoked paprika and cumin. The sweetness of the corn and the creaminess of the avocado balance out the flavors.

Serving Suggestions:
Serve the trancapecho as a main dish for lunch or dinner. It is also great as a side dish for a barbecue or potluck.

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Taste: Savory, Spicy, Tangy, Zesty