
Smetankowyi Cheesecake Recipe

Ingredients with Measurements:
- 2 cups of graham cracker crumbs
- 1/2 cup of unsalted butter, melted
- 4 packages (8 oz each) of cream cheese, softened
- 1 1/2 cups of granulated sugar
- 1/2 cup of sour cream
- 1/2 cup of heavy cream
- 1/2 cup of smetana (Russian sour cream)
- 4 large eggs
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
- 1/4 teaspoon of salt

Special equipment needed:
- 9-inch springform pan
- Electric mixer
- Large mixing bowl
- Medium mixing bowl
- Spatula
- Aluminum foil
- Baking sheet
- Water bath

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Preheat the oven to 325°F.

2. In a medium mixing bowl, combine the graham cracker crumbs and melted butter. Mix well until the crumbs are moistened.

3. Press the crumb mixture onto the bottom of a 9-inch springform pan. Use a flat-bottomed glass to press the crumbs firmly and evenly.

4. Bake the crust for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and let it cool while preparing the filling.

5. In a large mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese and sugar with an electric mixer until smooth and creamy.

6. Add the sour cream, heavy cream, and smetana. Mix well until fully combined.

7. Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition.

8. Add the vanilla extract and salt. Mix until fully combined.

9. Pour the filling over the cooled crust.

10. Wrap the bottom of the springform pan with aluminum foil to prevent water from seeping in.

11. Place the pan on a baking sheet and place it in a water bath. The water should come up halfway up the sides of the pan.

12. Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes or until the cheesecake is set but still slightly jiggly in the center.

13. Turn off the oven and let the cheesecake cool in the oven with the door slightly ajar for 30 minutes.

14. Remove the cheesecake from the oven and let it cool completely at room temperature.

15. Chill the cheesecake in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight.

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 1 hour and 15 minutes
Serving size:
12 servings

Nutritional information:
Calories per serving: 526
Total fat: 39g
Saturated fat: 22g
Cholesterol: 184mg
Sodium: 363mg
Total carbohydrates: 37g
Dietary fiber: 0g
Total sugars: 31g
Protein: 8g

Substitutions for ingredients:
- Graham cracker crumbs: You can use any other type of cookie crumbs or even crushed pretzels for the crust.
- Smetana: If you can't find smetana, you can use regular sour cream or Greek yogurt.

- Lemon Smetankowyi Cheesecake: Add the zest of 2 lemons and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to the filling.
- Chocolate Smetankowyi Cheesecake: Add 1 cup of melted chocolate to the filling.
- Berry Smetankowyi Cheesecake: Top the cheesecake with fresh berries or a berry compote.

Tips and tricks:
- Make sure all the ingredients are at room temperature before starting.
- Don't overmix the filling or it will become too dense.
- Use a water bath to prevent the cheesecake from cracking.
- Let the cheesecake cool in the oven with the door slightly ajar to prevent it from sinking in the middle.
- Chill the cheesecake for at least 4 hours before serving.

Storage instructions:
Store the cheesecake in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Reheating instructions:
Let the cheesecake come to room temperature before serving.

Presentation ideas:
Top the cheesecake with whipped cream and fresh berries.

Fresh berries, whipped cream, chocolate shavings.

Coffee, tea, or a glass of milk.

Suggested side dishes:
Fresh fruit salad, green salad, or roasted vegetables.

Troubleshooting advice:
- If the cheesecake cracks, it's usually because it was overcooked or cooled too quickly. To prevent this, make sure to follow the instructions for the water bath and cooling process.
- If the cheesecake is too dense, it's usually because the filling was overmixed. Mix the ingredients just until they are fully combined.

Food safety advice:
Make sure to use pasteurized eggs to prevent the risk of salmonella.

Food history:
Cheesecake has been around since ancient Greece and was served to athletes during the first Olympic games in 776 BC. The modern version of cheesecake originated in New York City in the 1900s.

Flavor profiles:
Creamy, tangy, sweet, and slightly sour.

Serving suggestions:
Serve the cheesecake chilled with a dollop of whipped cream and fresh berries.

Related Categories

Cooking Method: N/A

Course Type: N/A

Dietary: N/A

Ingredient: N/A

Meal type: N/A

Occassion: N/A

Region: Ukrainian

Taste: Creamy, Sweet, Tangy, Rich