Sambal Petis Fish Recipe

Ingredients with Measurements:
- 4 fish fillets (any white fish)
- 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
- 1 tablespoon of tamarind paste
- 2 tablespoons of petis (Indonesian shrimp paste)
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 5 red chilies
- 2 shallots
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1 tablespoon of lime juice
- 1 tablespoon of water

Special equipment needed:
- Mortar and pestle or food processor

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Prepare the ingredients. Peel and chop the garlic and shallots. Remove the stems of the red chilies and chop them. Soak the tamarind paste in 1 tablespoon of hot water.

2. In a mortar and pestle or food processor, grind the garlic, shallots, and red chilies into a paste.

3. In a small bowl, mix the petis with 1 tablespoon of hot water until it becomes a smooth paste.

4. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Fry the fish fillets until they are golden brown and cooked through. Set aside.

5. In the same pan, add the chili paste and fry until fragrant. Add the petis paste, tamarind paste, salt, and sugar. Stir well.

6. Add 1 tablespoon of water to the pan and stir until the sauce thickens.

7. Add the lime juice and stir well.

8. Pour the sauce over the fish fillets and serve.

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Medium heat
Serving size:
4 servings

Nutritional information:
Calories per serving: 200
Fat: 10g
Protein: 20g
Carbohydrates: 5g
Fiber: 1g
Sodium: 500mg

Substitutions for ingredients:
- If petis is not available, you can use regular shrimp paste.
- If tamarind paste is not available, you can use lime juice.

- You can use any white fish for this recipe.
- You can add vegetables such as bell peppers or onions to the sauce.

Tips and tricks:
- Make sure to fry the fish fillets until they are golden brown and cooked through.
- Adjust the amount of red chilies according to your spice preference.
- Use fresh lime juice for the best flavor.

Storage instructions:
Store leftover fish and sauce in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Reheating instructions:
Reheat the fish and sauce in the microwave or on the stove over low heat.

Presentation ideas:
Serve the fish and sauce on a platter with a garnish of chopped cilantro.

Chopped cilantro

Steamed rice, stir-fried vegetables

Suggested side dishes:
Steamed rice, stir-fried vegetables

Troubleshooting advice:
- If the sauce is too thick, add more water.
- If the sauce is too thin, let it simmer for a few more minutes.

Food safety advice:
Make sure to cook the fish fillets until they are fully cooked to avoid any foodborne illnesses.

Food history:
Sambal petis is a popular Indonesian condiment made with petis (shrimp paste) and chili paste.

Flavor profiles:
Spicy, savory, tangy

Serving suggestions:
Serve the fish and sauce with steamed rice and stir-fried vegetables for a complete meal.

Related Categories

Cooking Method: N/A

Course Type: N/A

Dietary: N/A

Ingredient: N/A

Meal type: N/A

Occassion: N/A

Region: Indonesian

Taste: Spicy, Tangy, Sweet, Savory, Umami