Red Velvet Gooey Butter Cake Recipe

Ingredients with Measurements:
- 1 box red velvet cake mix
- 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
- 3 large eggs
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 8 oz cream cheese, softened
- 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 4 cups powdered sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon salt

Special equipment needed:
- 9x13 inch baking dish
- Electric mixer

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C) and grease a 9x13 inch baking dish.
2. In a large bowl, combine the red velvet cake mix, melted butter, 1 egg, and vanilla extract. Mix until well combined.
3. Press the mixture evenly into the bottom of the prepared baking dish.
4. In another bowl, beat the cream cheese until smooth.
5. Add the remaining 2 eggs, cocoa powder, powdered sugar, and salt. Mix until well combined.
6. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the cake mixture in the baking dish.
7. Bake for 35-40 minutes, or until the edges are set but the center is still slightly jiggly.
8. Let the cake cool completely before cutting into squares and serving.

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 35-40 minutes
Total time: 50-55 minutes
350°F (175°C)
Serving size:
12-16 servings

Nutritional information:
Calories: 420
Fat: 18g
Carbohydrates: 63g
Protein: 4g
Sodium: 390mg
Sugar: 52g

Substitutions for ingredients:
- You can use any flavor of cake mix instead of red velvet.
- You can use salted butter instead of unsalted butter, but reduce the amount of salt in the recipe to 1/4 teaspoon.

- Add 1/2 cup of chopped nuts or chocolate chips to the cake mixture for extra texture.
- Use a different flavor of cream cheese, such as strawberry or chocolate.
- Top the cake with whipped cream or frosting for added sweetness.

Tips and tricks:
- Make sure to let the cake cool completely before cutting into squares.
- Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
- To make the cake extra gooey, reduce the baking time by 5-10 minutes.

Storage instructions:
Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Reheating instructions:
Microwave individual slices for 10-15 seconds, or until warm.

Presentation ideas:
Serve the cake on a decorative platter or cake stand.

Sprinkle powdered sugar or cocoa powder on top of the cake before serving.

Serve with a glass of milk or a cup of coffee.

Suggested side dishes:
Fresh fruit or a side salad.

Troubleshooting advice:
- If the cake is too gooey, bake it for an additional 5-10 minutes.
- If the cake is too dry, reduce the baking time by 5-10 minutes.

Food safety advice:
Make sure to wash your hands and all utensils thoroughly before and after handling raw eggs.

Food history:
The origin of gooey butter cake is debated, but it is believed to have originated in St. Louis, Missouri in the 1930s.

Flavor profiles:
Sweet, rich, and creamy with a hint of chocolate.

Serving suggestions:
Serve the cake warm or at room temperature.

Related Categories

Cooking Method: N/A

Course Type: N/A

Dietary: N/A

Ingredient: N/A

Meal type: N/A

Occassion: N/A

Region: American

Taste: Rich, Sweet, Moist, Creamy, Decadent