Queijo do Serro and Roasted Red Pepper Crostini Recipe

Ingredients with Measurements:
- 1 baguette, sliced into 1/2 inch thick rounds
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1/2 cup Queijo do Serro cheese, crumbled
- 1/2 cup roasted red peppers, chopped
- 1/4 cup fresh basil, chopped
- Salt and pepper to taste

Special equipment needed:
- Baking sheet
- Oven

Step-by-step instructions:
1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.
2. Brush each slice of baguette with olive oil and place them on a baking sheet.
3. Bake the baguette slices for 10-12 minutes or until they are lightly browned and crispy.
4. In a small bowl, mix together the Queijo do Serro cheese, roasted red peppers, and fresh basil.
5. Season the mixture with salt and pepper to taste.
6. Spoon the cheese and pepper mixture onto each crostini.
7. Place the crostini back in the oven for 5-7 minutes or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.
8. Serve hot.

- Time:
Preparation time: 10 minutes
- Cooking time: 20 minutes
- Oven temperature: 375°F
Serving size:
- This recipe makes 12 crostini.

Nutritional information:
- Calories: 130
- Fat: 8g
- Carbohydrates: 10g
- Protein: 4g

Substitutions for ingredients:
- Queijo do Serro cheese can be substituted with any other type of crumbly cheese, such as feta or goat cheese.
- Roasted red peppers can be substituted with sun-dried tomatoes or fresh cherry tomatoes.

- Add sliced black olives to the cheese and pepper mixture for a salty twist.
- Top the crostini with a drizzle of balsamic glaze for a sweet and tangy flavor.

Tips and tricks:
- Make sure to slice the baguette rounds evenly so that they cook evenly.
- Use a serrated knife to slice the baguette for a clean cut.
- If you don't have fresh basil, you can use dried basil instead.

Storage instructions:
- Store any leftover crostini in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Reheating instructions:
- To reheat the crostini, place them on a baking sheet and bake them in a 350°F oven for 5-7 minutes or until they are heated through.

Presentation ideas:
- Arrange the crostini on a platter and garnish with fresh basil leaves.

- Fresh basil leaves

- Serve the crostini with a glass of red wine or a crisp white wine.

Suggested side dishes:
- A simple green salad with a vinaigrette dressing would pair well with this appetizer.

Troubleshooting advice:
- If the crostini are not crispy enough, bake them for a few more minutes until they are golden brown.

Food safety advice:
- Make sure to store any leftover crostini in the refrigerator to prevent the growth of bacteria.

Food history:
- Queijo do Serro is a traditional cheese from the Serro region of Brazil.

Flavor profiles:
- The Queijo do Serro cheese has a tangy and slightly salty flavor that pairs well with the sweetness of the roasted red peppers.

Serving suggestions:
- Serve the crostini as an appetizer before a meal or as a snack for a party.

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Cooking Method: N/A

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Occassion: N/A

Region: Portuguese

Taste: Savory, Tangy, Creamy, Cheesy, Spicy