Pecora Fresca dei Berici con Salsa di Pomodoro Recipe

Ingredients with Measurements:
- 1 lb. Pecora Fresca dei Berici (fresh sheep cheese from the Berici Hills)
- 2 cups of canned tomatoes
- 1/2 onion, chopped
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 1/4 cup of extra-virgin olive oil
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
- 1/4 teaspoon of red pepper flakes
- 1 tablespoon of fresh basil, chopped

Special equipment needed:
- None

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.

2. Cut the Pecora Fresca dei Berici into 1/2 inch slices and place them on a baking sheet.

3. In a medium saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and minced garlic and sauté until the onion is translucent, about 5 minutes.

4. Add the canned tomatoes, salt, black pepper, and red pepper flakes to the saucepan. Bring to a simmer and cook for 10 minutes.

5. Pour the tomato sauce over the Pecora Fresca dei Berici slices.

6. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

7. Remove from the oven and sprinkle the chopped basil on top.

- Time:
Preparation time: 10 minutes
- Cooking time: 30 minutes
- Oven temperature: 375°F
Serving size:
- 4 servings

Nutritional information:
- Calories: 350
- Total fat: 28g
- Saturated fat: 15g
- Cholesterol: 80mg
- Sodium: 950mg
- Total carbohydrates: 8g
- Dietary fiber: 2g
- Sugars: 4g
- Protein: 18g

Substitutions for ingredients:
- Pecora Fresca dei Berici can be substituted with fresh goat cheese or feta cheese.
- Canned tomatoes can be substituted with fresh tomatoes.

- Add sliced black olives to the tomato sauce for a salty and briny flavor.
- Top the baked cheese with chopped sun-dried tomatoes for a sweet and tangy flavor.

Tips and tricks:
- Make sure to use a good quality olive oil for the tomato sauce.
- Serve with crusty bread to soak up the tomato sauce.

Storage instructions:
- Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Reheating instructions:
- Reheat in the oven at 375°F for 10-15 minutes, or until heated through.

Presentation ideas:
- Serve on a platter with fresh basil leaves and sliced crusty bread.

- Fresh basil leaves

- Serve with a light red wine, such as Pinot Noir or Chianti.

Suggested side dishes:
- Roasted vegetables, such as asparagus or zucchini.

Troubleshooting advice:
- If the cheese is not melting, try broiling for a few minutes to get a golden brown crust.

Food safety advice:
- Make sure to cook the tomato sauce to a simmer to ensure it is safe to eat.

Food history:
- Pecora Fresca dei Berici is a traditional cheese from the Berici Hills in Northern Italy.

Flavor profiles:
- The Pecora Fresca dei Berici has a tangy and slightly salty flavor, which pairs well with the sweet and acidic tomato sauce.

Serving suggestions:
- Serve as an appetizer or a light lunch.

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Cooking Method: N/A

Course Type: N/A

Dietary: N/A

Ingredient: N/A

Meal type: N/A

Occassion: N/A

Region: Italian

Taste: Tangy, Savory, Herbal, Fresh, Tomato, Tomato-Y