Paneer Makhani Recipe

Ingredients with Measurements:
- 200g paneer, cut into cubes
- 2 medium-sized tomatoes, chopped
- 1 medium-sized onion, chopped
- 1 tbsp ginger-garlic paste
- 1 tsp red chili powder
- 1 tsp turmeric powder
- 1 tsp cumin powder
- 1 tsp coriander powder
- 1 tsp garam masala powder
- 1/2 cup heavy cream
- 2 tbsp butter
- Salt to taste
- Fresh coriander leaves for garnish

Special equipment needed:
- Blender or food processor

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Heat a pan and add 1 tbsp butter. Once the butter melts, add chopped onions and sauté until they turn golden brown.

2. Add ginger-garlic paste and sauté for a minute.

3. Add chopped tomatoes, red chili powder, turmeric powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, and salt. Mix well and cook until the tomatoes turn soft.

4. Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool down. Once it cools down, blend it into a smooth paste using a blender or food processor.

5. Heat the same pan and add 1 tbsp butter. Add the blended tomato-onion mixture and cook for 2-3 minutes.

6. Add garam masala powder and mix well.

7. Add paneer cubes and mix gently. Cook for 2-3 minutes.

8. Add heavy cream and mix well. Cook for another 2-3 minutes.

9. Turn off the heat and garnish with fresh coriander leaves.

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Medium heat
Serving size:
4 servings

Nutritional information:
Calories: 315kcal
Fat: 25g
Carbohydrates: 11g
Protein: 12g
Sodium: 400mg
Sugar: 5g

Substitutions for ingredients:
- Heavy cream can be substituted with coconut cream or cashew cream for a vegan version.
- Paneer can be substituted with tofu for a vegan version.

- Add vegetables like bell peppers, peas, or mushrooms to make it more nutritious.
- Add cashews or almonds for a richer taste.
- Add a pinch of sugar to balance the flavors.

Tips and tricks:
- Use fresh paneer for better taste and texture.
- If the gravy is too thick, add some water or vegetable broth to adjust the consistency.
- Adjust the spices according to your taste preferences.

Storage instructions:
Paneer Makhani can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Reheating instructions:
Reheat the Paneer Makhani in a pan on low heat until it is heated through.

Presentation ideas:
Serve Paneer Makhani in a bowl or on a plate with some fresh coriander leaves on top.

Fresh coriander leaves

- Serve with naan, roti, or rice.
- Pair with a side salad or raita.

Suggested side dishes:
- Cucumber raita
- Mixed vegetable salad
- Jeera rice

Troubleshooting advice:
- If the gravy is too thin, cook it for a few more minutes until it thickens.
- If the gravy is too thick, add some water or vegetable broth to adjust the consistency.

Food safety advice:
- Make sure to cook the onions and tomatoes thoroughly to avoid any foodborne illnesses.
- Store the Paneer Makhani in an airtight container in the refrigerator to avoid spoilage.

Food history:
Paneer Makhani is a popular North Indian dish that originated in Punjab. It is also known as Paneer Butter Masala.

Flavor profiles:
Paneer Makhani has a creamy, tangy, and slightly sweet flavor with a hint of spice.

Serving suggestions:
Serve Paneer Makhani as a main course for lunch or dinner.

Related Categories

Cooking Method: N/A

Course Type: N/A

Dietary: N/A

Ingredient: N/A

Meal type: N/A

Occassion: N/A

Region: Indian

Taste: Creamy, Rich, Tangy, Spicy, Savory