Nopalitos Stuffed Peppers Recipe

Ingredients with Measurements:
- 4 large bell peppers, any color
- 1 cup cooked nopalitos (cactus pads), diced
- 1 cup cooked brown rice
- 1/2 cup black beans, drained and rinsed
- 1/2 cup corn kernels
- 1/2 cup diced tomatoes
- 1/4 cup diced red onion
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Special equipment needed:
- Baking dish
- Aluminum foil

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.

2. Cut off the tops of the bell peppers and remove the seeds and membranes.

3. In a large bowl, mix together the nopalitos, brown rice, black beans, corn, tomatoes, red onion, cilantro, olive oil, cumin, chili powder, salt, and pepper.

4. Stuff the bell peppers with the mixture and place them in a baking dish.

5. Cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake for 30 minutes.

6. Remove the foil and sprinkle the shredded cheddar cheese on top of the peppers.

7. Bake for an additional 10-15 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

8. Serve hot.

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 45 minutes
Serving size:
4 servings

Nutritional information:
Calories: 325
Fat: 11g
Carbohydrates: 43g
Protein: 15g
Fiber: 9g

Substitutions for ingredients:
- You can use any type of cooked rice instead of brown rice.
- You can use any type of cheese instead of cheddar cheese.
- You can use any type of beans instead of black beans.

- You can add ground beef or turkey to the filling for a meatier version.
- You can add chopped jalapeños or green chilies for a spicier version.
- You can use quinoa instead of rice for a gluten-free version.

Tips and tricks:
- Make sure to remove all the seeds and membranes from the bell peppers to prevent bitterness.
- You can precook the bell peppers in boiling water for 5 minutes before stuffing them to make them softer.
- You can make the filling ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

Storage instructions:
Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Reheating instructions:
Reheat in the microwave or oven until heated through.

Presentation ideas:
Serve the stuffed peppers on a bed of lettuce or with a side salad.

Garnish with extra chopped cilantro or green onions.

Serve with a side of Mexican rice or refried beans.

Suggested side dishes:
- Mexican rice
- Refried beans
- Guacamole
- Salsa
- Cornbread

Troubleshooting advice:
- If the bell peppers are not cooking evenly, rotate the baking dish halfway through cooking.
- If the filling is too dry, add a splash of vegetable broth or tomato sauce.

Food safety advice:
- Make sure to wash the bell peppers and nopalitos thoroughly before using.
- Store any leftovers in the refrigerator within 2 hours of cooking.

Food history:
Nopalitos are a traditional ingredient in Mexican cuisine and have been used for centuries for their health benefits.

Flavor profiles:
This dish has a savory and slightly spicy flavor with a hint of sweetness from the corn and tomatoes.

Serving suggestions:
Serve as a main dish for lunch or dinner.

Related Categories

Cooking Method: N/A

Course Type: N/A

Dietary: N/A

Ingredient: N/A

Meal type: N/A

Occassion: N/A

Region: Mexican

Taste: Savory, Tangy, Spicy, Herbaceous, Earthy