Seafood > Fish > Grilled Fish

Na Tinombur Grilled Fish Recipe

Ingredients with Measurements:
- 2 whole fish (mackerel or any firm white fish), cleaned and scaled
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 teaspoon ginger, grated
- 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon black pepper
- 1 tablespoon lime juice
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

Special equipment needed:
- Grill or grill pan
- Aluminum foil

Step-by-step instructions:

1. In a small bowl, mix together garlic, ginger, turmeric powder, salt, black pepper, lime juice, and vegetable oil.

2. Rub the mixture all over the fish, making sure to get it into the slits and cavities.

3. Let the fish marinate for at least 30 minutes, or up to 2 hours in the refrigerator.

4. Preheat the grill or grill pan to medium-high heat.

5. Place a sheet of aluminum foil on the grill or grill pan.

6. Place the fish on the aluminum foil and grill for 5-7 minutes on each side, or until the fish is cooked through and the skin is crispy.

7. Remove the fish from the grill and let it rest for a few minutes before serving.

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Marinating time: 30 minutes to 2 hours
Cooking time: 10-14 minutes
Grill or grill pan should be preheated to medium-high heat.
Serving size:
This recipe serves 2-4 people.

Nutritional information:
Calories: 250
Fat: 12g
Protein: 30g
Carbohydrates: 2g
Fiber: 1g
Sugar: 0g
Sodium: 600mg

Substitutions for ingredients:
- Instead of mackerel or firm white fish, you can use salmon or trout.
- If you don't have turmeric powder, you can use fresh turmeric root.
- Instead of lime juice, you can use lemon juice or vinegar.
- You can use any neutral oil instead of vegetable oil.

- Add chopped fresh herbs like cilantro or parsley to the marinade.
- Add sliced onions and bell peppers to the aluminum foil before grilling the fish.
- Grill the fish on a bed of banana leaves for added flavor.

Tips and tricks:
- Make sure to oil the grill or grill pan before placing the aluminum foil to prevent sticking.
- If the fish is sticking to the aluminum foil, gently lift the edges with a spatula and slide a thin metal spatula underneath to release it.
- Use a fish spatula to flip the fish on the grill or grill pan to prevent it from falling apart.

Storage instructions:
Leftover grilled fish can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Reheating instructions:
To reheat the grilled fish, place it in a preheated oven at 350°F for 10-12 minutes or until heated through.

Presentation ideas:
Serve the grilled fish on a platter with sliced limes and fresh herbs.

Garnish the grilled fish with chopped fresh herbs like cilantro or parsley.

Serve the grilled fish with steamed rice and a side of vegetables like grilled asparagus or roasted sweet potatoes.

Suggested side dishes:
- Steamed rice
- Grilled asparagus
- Roasted sweet potatoes
- Grilled corn on the cob

Troubleshooting advice:
- If the fish is sticking to the aluminum foil, gently lift the edges with a spatula and slide a thin metal spatula underneath to release it.
- If the fish is not cooking evenly, adjust the heat on the grill or grill pan and move the fish around to a cooler spot if necessary.

Food safety advice:
- Make sure to clean and scale the fish properly before cooking.
- Always wash your hands and surfaces before and after handling raw fish.
- Use a food thermometer to ensure the fish is cooked to a safe temperature of 145°F.

Food history:
Na Tinombur Grilled Fish is a traditional dish from the Minahasa region of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is typically made with mackerel or other firm white fish and marinated in a mixture of spices before being grilled over an open flame.

Flavor profiles:
This dish has a bold and spicy flavor from the garlic, ginger, and turmeric, with a tangy kick from the lime juice.

Serving suggestions:
Serve the grilled fish with steamed rice and a side of vegetables for a complete meal.

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Cooking Method: N/A

Course Type: N/A

Dietary: N/A

Ingredient: N/A

Meal type: N/A

Occassion: N/A

Region: N/A

Taste: Savory, Tangy, Spicy, Herbal, Citrusy