Filipino > Seafood

Kilawin na Lapu-Lapu Recipe

Ingredients with Measurements:
- 1 kilogram Lapu-Lapu fillet, cubed
- 1 cup vinegar
- 1/2 cup calamansi juice
- 1 red onion, chopped
- 2 tomatoes, chopped
- 2 chili peppers, chopped
- 1/4 cup ginger, sliced
- 1/4 cup garlic, minced
- 1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper

Special equipment needed:
- Large mixing bowl
- Sharp knife
- Cutting board

Step-by-step instructions:

1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the Lapu-Lapu fillet, vinegar, calamansi juice, red onion, tomatoes, chili peppers, ginger, garlic, cilantro, salt, and black pepper.
2. Mix well and let it marinate for at least 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
3. After marinating, remove the Lapu-Lapu fillet from the mixture and set aside.
4. In a pan, heat the remaining mixture until it boils.
5. Add the Lapu-Lapu fillet and cook for 3-5 minutes or until the fish is cooked.
6. Transfer the Kilawin na Lapu-Lapu to a serving dish and garnish with additional cilantro and chili peppers.

- Time:
Preparation time: 30 minutes
- Cooking time: 5 minutes
- No specific temperature required
Serving size:
- 4-6 servings

Nutritional information:
- Calories: 250
- Fat: 5g
- Carbohydrates: 10g
- Protein: 40g

Substitutions for ingredients:
- If Lapu-Lapu is not available, you can use other white fish such as tilapia or cod.
- If calamansi juice is not available, you can use lemon or lime juice instead.

- You can add diced mango or pineapple to the mixture for a sweeter taste.
- You can also add coconut milk for a creamier texture.

Tips and tricks:
- Make sure to use fresh fish for the best taste.
- Adjust the amount of chili peppers according to your preference.
- Serve the Kilawin na Lapu-Lapu with steamed rice.

Storage instructions:
- Store the Kilawin na Lapu-Lapu in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

Reheating instructions:
- Reheat the Kilawin na Lapu-Lapu in a pan over low heat until heated through.

Presentation ideas:
- Serve the Kilawin na Lapu-Lapu in a shallow bowl or on a platter.
- Garnish with additional cilantro and chili peppers.

- Cilantro
- Chili peppers

- Steamed rice
- Grilled vegetables

Suggested side dishes:
- Grilled corn on the cob
- Garlic bread

Troubleshooting advice:
- If the Kilawin na Lapu-Lapu is too sour, add a little sugar to balance the flavor.

Food safety advice:
- Make sure to use fresh ingredients and clean utensils to avoid foodborne illnesses.

Food history:
- Kilawin is a traditional Filipino dish that is similar to ceviche.

Flavor profiles:
- Sour, spicy, and savory

Serving suggestions:
- Serve the Kilawin na Lapu-Lapu as an appetizer or as a main dish.

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Cooking Method: N/A

Course Type: N/A

Dietary: N/A

Ingredient: N/A

Meal type: N/A

Occassion: N/A

Region: Philippine

Taste: Tangy, Sour, Spicy, Savory, Citrusy