Honey-Glazed Pig Candy Recipe

Ingredients with Measurements:
- 1 pound thick-cut bacon
- 1/4 cup honey
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- 1/4 teaspoon black pepper

Special Equipment Needed:
- Baking sheet
- Parchment paper
- Pastry brush

Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.
2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
3. In a small bowl, mix together the honey, brown sugar, cayenne pepper, and black pepper.
4. Lay the bacon slices on the prepared baking sheet, making sure they do not overlap.
5. Brush the honey mixture over the bacon slices, making sure to cover them evenly.
6. Bake the bacon for 15-20 minutes, or until crispy and caramelized.
7. Remove the bacon from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes.
8. Using tongs, transfer the bacon to a plate lined with paper towels to absorb any excess grease.
9. Serve the honey-glazed pig candy warm or at room temperature.

- Time:
Preparation time: 10 minutes
- Cooking time: 15-20 minutes
- Oven temperature: 375°F
Serving size:
- This recipe makes 4 servings.

Nutritional information:
- Calories: 390
- Fat: 30g
- Carbohydrates: 18g
- Protein: 12g
- Sodium: 540mg
- Sugar: 16g

Substitutions for ingredients:
- Maple syrup can be used instead of honey.
- White sugar can be used instead of brown sugar.
- Smoked paprika can be used instead of cayenne pepper.

- Add chopped nuts, such as pecans or almonds, to the honey mixture for extra crunch.
- Sprinkle the bacon with sea salt before baking for a salty-sweet flavor.
- Use a mixture of different types of bacon, such as applewood-smoked or peppered bacon, for added flavor.

Tips and Tricks:
- Make sure to use thick-cut bacon for this recipe, as it will hold up better to the glaze and baking process.
- Keep an eye on the bacon while it is baking, as it can go from crispy to burnt quickly.
- Use a pastry brush to evenly distribute the honey glaze over the bacon.

Storage Instructions:
- Store any leftover honey-glazed pig candy in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Reheating Instructions:
- To reheat the pig candy, place it on a baking sheet and bake in a 350°F oven for 5-7 minutes, or until heated through.

Presentation Ideas:
- Serve the honey-glazed pig candy on a platter with toothpicks for easy snacking.
- Arrange the bacon slices on a bed of lettuce for a pretty presentation.

- Sprinkle chopped fresh herbs, such as parsley or chives, over the bacon for added flavor and color.

- Serve the honey-glazed pig candy with a cold beer or a glass of sweet tea.

Suggested Side Dishes:
- Serve the pig candy with a side of roasted sweet potatoes or a fresh green salad.

Troubleshooting Advice:
- If the bacon is not crispy enough after baking, put it under the broiler for a minute or two to crisp it up.

Food Safety Advice:
- Make sure to cook the bacon to an internal temperature of 165°F to ensure it is safe to eat.

Food History:
- Pig candy is a popular Southern snack that has been around for decades.

Flavor Profiles:
- The honey glaze adds a sweet and slightly spicy flavor to the salty bacon.

Serving Suggestions:
- Serve the honey-glazed pig candy as an appetizer or snack at a party or barbecue.

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Cooking Method: N/A

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Taste: Sweet, Savory, Sticky, Tangy, Smoky