Caigua and Avocado Salad Recipe

Ingredients with Measurements:
-1 large caigua, diced
-1 large avocado, diced
-1/4 cup red onion, diced
-1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
-1/4 cup lime juice
-1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
-1/4 teaspoon chili powder
-Salt and pepper to taste

Special Equipment Needed:
-Cutting board
-Large bowl

Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Prepare the caigua by washing it and removing the stem. Cut it into small cubes.
2. Peel and dice the avocado into small cubes.
3. Dice the red onion and chop the cilantro.
4. In a large bowl, combine the caigua, avocado, red onion, and cilantro.
5. In a separate bowl, whisk together the lime juice, cumin, chili powder, salt and pepper.
6. Pour the dressing over the salad and toss to combine.
7. Serve chilled or at room temperature.

Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 0 minutes
Temperature: Room temperature
Serving Size: 4

Nutritional Information (per serving):
Calories: 120
Fat: 8g
Carbohydrates: 11g
Protein: 2g

Substitutions for Ingredients:
-For the caigua, you can use zucchini or cucumber.
-For the avocado, you can use mango or papaya.
-For the red onion, you can use shallots or green onions.
-For the cilantro, you can use parsley or mint.

-Add in some diced bell peppers for a pop of color.
-Add in some diced jalapenos for a bit of heat.
-Add in some diced tomatoes for a bit of sweetness.

Tips and Tricks:
-Make sure to dice the caigua and avocado into small cubes so that they are easier to eat.
-Make sure to whisk the dressing together well so that the flavors are evenly distributed.

Storage Instructions:
This salad can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Reheating Instructions:
This salad does not need to be reheated.

Presentation Ideas:
This salad can be served in a large bowl or platter. It can also be served in individual bowls or plates.

This salad can be garnished with some extra chopped cilantro or a few slices of lime.

This salad pairs well with grilled meats or fish.

Suggested Side Dishes:
This salad goes well with a side of rice or quinoa.

Troubleshooting Advice:
If the salad is too tart, add in a bit more lime juice or a pinch of sugar.

Food Safety Advice:
Make sure to wash all of the vegetables before preparing the salad.

Food History:
Caigua is a traditional vegetable from Peru that has been eaten for centuries.

Flavor Profiles:
This salad has a bright and tangy flavor from the lime juice and a hint of heat from the chili powder.

Serving Suggestions:
This salad can be served as an appetizer or side dish.

Related Categories

Cooking Method: N/A

Course Type: N/A

Dietary: N/A

Ingredient: N/A

Meal type: N/A

Occassion: N/A

Region: Peruvian

Taste: Citrusy, Tangy, Creamy, Refreshing