Blueberry Berliner Weisse Recipe

Ingredients with Measurements:
- 4 lbs fresh blueberries
- 5 lbs wheat malt
- 1 lb pilsner malt
- 1 oz Hallertau hops
- 1 oz Saaz hops
- 1 package of lactobacillus
- 1 package of ale yeast
- 1 tsp Irish moss
- 5 gallons of water

Special Equipment Needed:
- Mash tun
- Boil kettle
- Fermentation vessel
- Airlock
- Thermometer
- Hydrometer
- Grain mill
- Immersion chiller
- Strainer
- Funnel

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Crush the wheat malt and pilsner malt in a grain mill and add them to the mash tun.
2. Heat 5 gallons of water to 122°F and add it to the mash tun. Stir well to ensure all the grains are wet.
3. Let the mash rest for 15 minutes, then raise the temperature to 152°F and let it rest for another 45 minutes.
4. Sparge the mash with hot water to extract all the sugars.
5. Boil the wort for 60 minutes, adding the Hallertau hops and Irish moss at the beginning of the boil and the Saaz hops at the end of the boil.
6. Cool the wort to 70°F using an immersion chiller.
7. Add the lactobacillus to the wort and let it ferment for 2-3 days at room temperature.
8. Add the ale yeast to the wort and let it ferment for another 7-10 days at room temperature.
9. Add the blueberries to the fermentation vessel and let it sit for another 3-5 days.
10. Strain the beer into a clean vessel and let it carbonate for 2-3 weeks.

- Time:
Preparation time: 4 hours
- Cooking time: 1 hour
- Mash temperature: 122°F and 152°F
- Fermentation temperature: room temperature (68°F-72°F)
Serving size:
- Makes 5 gallons of beer
- Serving size: 12 oz

Nutritional information:
- Calories: 150
- Carbohydrates: 12g
- Protein: 2g
- Fat: 0g

Substitutions for ingredients:
- Blueberries can be substituted with raspberries, strawberries, or blackberries.
- Hallertau hops can be substituted with Tettnang or Spalt hops.
- Saaz hops can be substituted with Czech Saaz or Sterling hops.

- Add vanilla beans to the fermentation vessel for a Blueberry Vanilla Berliner Weisse.
- Use a sourdough starter instead of lactobacillus for a more complex sour flavor.

Tips and Tricks:
- Use fresh, ripe blueberries for the best flavor.
- Sanitize all equipment before use to prevent contamination.
- Use a strainer to remove any fruit pulp before bottling.

Storage Instructions:
- Store in a cool, dark place for up to 6 months.

Reheating Instructions:
- Serve cold.

Presentation Ideas:
- Serve in a tall, narrow glass to showcase the beer's color.
- Garnish with a few fresh blueberries.

- Fresh blueberries

- Grilled chicken or fish
- Salad with a citrus vinaigrette
- Cheesecake or fruit tart

Suggested Side Dishes:
- Grilled vegetables
- Roasted potatoes
- Garlic bread

Troubleshooting Advice:
- If the beer is too sour, add more blueberries to balance the flavor.
- If the beer is too sweet, let it ferment for a few more days.

Food Safety Advice:
- Sanitize all equipment before use to prevent contamination.
- Use a thermometer to ensure proper temperatures are reached during the brewing process.

Food History:
- Berliner Weisse is a traditional German sour beer that dates back to the 16th century.

Flavor Profiles:
- Tart, fruity, and refreshing.

Serving Suggestions:
- Serve cold in a tall, narrow glass.

Related Categories

Cooking Method: N/A

Course Type: N/A

Dietary: N/A

Ingredient: N/A

Meal type: N/A

Occassion: N/A

Region: German

Taste: Fruity, Tart, Refreshing, Sweet, Sour