Coconut-Filled Cornulețe
Cornulețe with Jam Filling
Nutella-Filled Cornulețe
Mălai Dulce with Coconut and Raisins
Pasca cu mac
Pasca cu miere
Pasca cu nuca
Pasca cu stafide
Sfințișori with Chocolate Chips
Sfințișori with Honey
Sfințișori with Raisins
Alivenci with Coconut and Lime
Alivenci with Mango and Pineapple
Apple-Cinnamon Cornuleţe
Cheese-Filled Cornuleţe
Coconut-Almond Cornuleţe
Gogoşi with Nutella Filling
Cornuleţe cu Cocos (Romanian Coconut Cookies)
Cozonac - Romanian Dessert with Cheese Filling
European Baklava
Pasca (Romanian Sweet Bread)
Romanian Pasca with Poppy Seed Filling and Orange Zest
Alivenci cu zmeura (Romanian Raspberry Alivenci)
Romanian Coconut-Filled Fried Doughnuts (Gogosi cu nuca de cocos)
Salam de biscuiti - Romanian chocolate biscuit cake with walnuts and rum flavoring
Mille-Feuille (French Pastry)
Plăcintă cu Brânză (Romanian Cheese Pie)
Salam de Biscuiți (Romanian Chocolate Biscuit Cake)
Crème Brûlée (French Dessert)
Tiramisu (Italian Dessert)
Dobos Torte (Hungarian Layered Cake)
Baklava (Greek Dessert)
Chocolate Pasca with Walnuts and Raisins
Clatite cu Branza - Romanian Cheese-Filled Dessert
Clatite cu branza si stafide (Romanian Dessert)
Clătite cu Gem (Romanian Jam Pancakes)
Cornuleţe cu Brânză şi Stafide (Romanian Cheese and Raisin Cookies)
Cornulețe cu Brânză și Stafide (Romanian Cheese and Raisin Cookies)
Cornuleţe cu Ciocolată (Romanian Chocolate-Filled Cookies)
Cornuleţe cu Dulceaţă (Romanian Jam-Filled Cookies)
Cornuleţe cu Nucă (Romanian Walnut Cookies)
Cornulețe cu Nucă (Romanian Walnut Cookies)
Cozonac (Romanian Sweet Bread)
European Chocolate Mousse
European Crème Brûlée
European Fruit Tart
European Tiramisu
GoGoşi cu Brânză (Romanian Cheese Donuts)
GoGoşi cu Mere (Romanian Apple Donuts)
GoGoşi cu Nutella (Romanian Nutella Donuts)
Papanasi - Romanian Cheese-Filled Dessert
Papanași (Romanian Cottage Cheese Donuts)
Papanasi (Romanian Cottage Cheese Dumplings)
Papanasi (Romanian Dessert)
Pasca with Caramelized Apples and Cinnamon
Pastel de Nata (Portuguese Custard Tart)
Poale-n brau (Romanian Sweet Bread)
Romanian Apple Cake
Romanian Chocolate Salami
Romanian Pasca with Sweet Cheese Filling
Romanian Plum Dumplings
Romanian Sweet Cheese Pie
Romanian Walnut Roll
Sachertorte (Austrian Chocolate Cake)
Traditional Romanian Pasca with Raisins and Lemon Zest
Alivenci cu afine (Romanian Blueberry Alivenci)
Alivenci cu mere (Romanian Apple Alivenci)
Alivenci cu prune (Romanian Plum Alivenci)
Alivenci cu visine (Romanian Sour Cherry Alivenci)
Coconut-Filled Fried Romanian Donuts (Papanasi cu nuca de cocos)
Fried Romanian Sweet Cheese Pastries with Coconut (Poale-n brau cu nuca)
Papanasi (Romanian Cheese Doughnuts)
Strudel (Austrian Pastry)
Bomboane de ciocolata - Romanian chocolate truffles with nuts and coconut coating
Clatite - Romanian crepes with sweet cheese filling and fruit topping
Cozonac - Romanian sweet bread with nuts and raisins
Papanasi - Romanian fried doughnuts with sweet cheese and sour cream topping
Placinta cu mere - Romanian apple pie with cinnamon and sugar topping
Tort cu fructe - Romanian fruit cake with whipped cream frosting
Alivenci with Apples and Cinnamon
Alivenci with Blueberries and Lemon Zest
Alivenci with Chocolate Chips
Alivenci with Cottage Cheese and Sour Cream
Alivenci with Honey and Almonds
Alivenci with Orange and Cranberries
Alivenci with Poppy Seeds and Lemon Glaze
Alivenci with Pumpkin and Nutmeg
Alivenci with Walnuts and Raisins
Almond Custard Gogoşi with Chocolate Drizzle
Apple Cinnamon Gogoşi with Vanilla Glaze
Branzoaice - Romanian Cheese-Filled Cookies
Chec cu branza - Romanian Cheese-Filled Cake
Chocolate-Filled Gogoşi with Caramel Sauce
Clatite cu branza - Romanian Cheese-Filled Crepes
Coconut-Filled Papanasi (Romanian Fried Donuts)
Cozonac cu branza - Romanian Cheese-Filled Sweet Bread
Dobos Torte - Romanian Layered Cake with Cheese Filling
Fried Covrigi (Romanian Pretzels) with Coconut Filling
Fried Romanian Cornulete (Crescent Cookies) with Coconut Filling
Fried Romanian Langos with Coconut Filling
Fried Romanian Placinta cu Branza (Cheese Pastry) with Coconut Filling
Fried Romanian Saratele (Savory Cheese Twists) with Coconut Filling
Gogosi cu branza - Romanian Cheese-Filled Fritters
Lemon Poppy Seed Gogoşi with Blueberry Compote
Nutella-Stuffed Gogoşi with Hazelnut Crumble
Papanasi - Romanian Cheese-Filled Donuts
Pistachio-Cardamom Gogoşi with Rosewater Glaze
Placinta cu branza - Romanian Cheese-Filled Pastry
Poale-n brau - Romanian Cheese-Filled Pancakes
Pumpkin Spice Gogoşi with Cream Cheese Frosting
Raspberry Jam-Filled Gogoşi with Powdered Sugar
Romanian Coconut Bezele (Fried Meringue Cookies)
Romanian Fried Gogosi (Donuts) with Coconut Cream Filling
Romanian Fried Scovergi (Fried Dough) with Coconut Filling
Romanian Fried Sfințișori (Sweet Fritters) with Coconut Filling
Saratele cu branza - Romanian Cheese-Filled Savory Biscuits
Strawberry Cheesecake Gogoşi with Graham Cracker Crust
Traditional Romanian Alivenci
Traditional Romanian Gogoşi with Jam Filling