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Renaico Recipes
Renaico-Style Cornbread
Renaico-Style Empanadas
Renaico-Style Fried Rice
Renaico-Style Grilled Salmon
Renaico-Style Roasted Potatoes
Renaico-Style Sopa de Pollo
Renaico-Style Sopaipillas
Renaico-Style Steak with Chimichurri Sauce
Renaico-Style Stewed Beans
Renaico-Style Tamales
Rutabaga and Bacon Salad
Kale and Rutabaga Salad with Lemon Garlic Dressing
Caldillo de Congrio (Chilean fish soup)
Grilled Vegetable Salad with Rutabaga and Balsamic Vinaigrette
Roasted Beet and Rutabaga Salad with Goat Cheese and Walnuts
Roasted Root Vegetable Salad with Rutabaga and Arugula
Warm Rutabaga and Carrot Salad with Honey Mustard Dressing
Asado (Chilean barbecue)
Cazuela de Vacuno (Chilean beef stew)
Charquicán (Chilean beef and vegetable stew)
Curanto (Chilean seafood and meat stew)
Empanadas de Pino (Chilean beef and onion empanadas)
Humitas (Chilean corn tamales)
Pastel de Choclo (Chilean corn and beef casserole)
Pebre (Chilean salsa)
Sopaipillas (Chilean fried dough)