Pecel Lele with Sweet Soy Sauce
Lele Asam Pedas (Sour and Spicy Catfish)
Lele Bakar (Grilled Catfish)
Lele Balado (Catfish in Chili Sauce)
Lele Goreng (Fried Catfish)
Lele Goreng Bumbu Rujak (Fried Catfish with Spicy Fruit Sauce)
Lele Goreng Kremes (Crispy Fried Catfish with Crunchy Topping)
Lele Goreng Tepung (Crispy Fried Catfish with Flour Coating)
Lele Kuah Kuning (Catfish in Turmeric Broth)
Lele Penyet (Smashed Catfish)
Sambal Lele (Catfish in Spicy Sauce)