Ampalaya Dinengdeng
Bicol Express Dinengdeng
Coconut Milk Dinengdeng
Ginataang Dinengdeng
Grilled Eggplant Dinengdeng
Laing Dinengdeng
Pinakbet Dinengdeng
Seafood Dinengdeng
Spicy Dinengdeng with Bagoong
Squash and Okra Dinengdeng
Dinengdeng with Mixed Vegetables, Squash, and Okra
Grilled Squash and Okra Salad with Dinengdeng Dressing
Brazilian Nut Cake with Dulce de Leche
Almond Brigadeiro Tart with Chocolate Drizzle
Okra and Squash Curry with Vegetables
Vegetable and Squash Okra Stew
Brazilian Nut Brownies with Dulce de Leche Drizzle
Brazilian Nut Praline Ice Cream
Brazilian Nut Torte with Chocolate Ganache
Brigadeiro Nut Bars
Cashew Caramel Cake with Brigadeiro Frosting
Hazelnut Brigadeiro Cheesecake
Nutty Brazilian Flan
Nutty Coconut Flan with Caramel Sauce
Pecan Brigadeiro Truffles